My Approach.

My approach to therapy is warm, empathetic, and focused on your growth. I am interested in learning how symptoms relate to your thoughts, self-perception, and relationships. My clinical interests include exploring intersectional identity (i.e. racial, ethnic, sexual orientation), women’s mental health, and navigating emerging adulthood.

I use an integrative therapeutic approach, drawing from psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral (CBT), and dialectical behavioral (DBT) therapies. These tools help me to assist you with exploring how early experiences, relationships and family dynamics have impacted your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Perhaps you have developed protective defense mechanisms that are no longer serving you but trickle into your interpersonal life. You might have recurrent thoughts that are obstructive, or negative core beliefs that are set off by everyday experiences. We will spend time on identifying such factors, exploring their origins, strengthening your coping mechanisms, and learning strategies to align with your authentic self.