
Adult psychotherapy.

For adult psychotherapy sessions, I employ insight-oriented and evidence-based strategies to work with individuals seeking help for a range of concerns, including but not limited to, general anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, depression, adjustment- related stress, identity-based harm (i.e. racial microaggressions), trauma, motherhood and parental burnout.

Adolescent psychotherapy.

I provide adolescents with developmentally-informed and individualized therapy treatment. Sessions begin with an explanation of the purpose and structure of therapy, which will be revisited as needed. My goals are to help adolescents develop confidence and agency in session to practice and competently exercise in the outside world. I help youth with a range of issues that includes general and social anxiety, inattention/ hyperactivity, depression, peer conflict, academic stress, and family conflict. Caregivers/parents are encouraged to work collaboratively through check-in sessions.